The LREI Camping Trip


The LREI camping trip, open to all LREI families and siblings, is a long-standing, parent-organized tradition that takes place every spring in the Delaware Water Gap in New Jersey.

The camping trip is pay what you wish and typically takes place the first or second week in June, before the end of the school year. The camping committee reserves the campsite and provides the food. Everyone brings their own tents and sleeping bags. In the spirit of volunteerism that pervades the school, all campers are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the trip, including communal meal preparation, cooking and camp clean up, as well as other group activities such as gathering wood and water, organizing ball games, campground activities, and swimming – with adult supervision!

Families can sign up for the camping trip online with LREI connect. Look for registration to open in the early Spring.

More Info
For more information contact the camping committee at

Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

LREI. Powered By Questions.

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  • Since 1921