High School News Detail

An Opportunity for Learning & Growth: The Crucible

Allison Isbell & Margaret Paul
Dear Families,
This past weekend the LREI community was enthralled by the performance of our high school students in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. And though the work of these 40 cast and crew members left audience members breathless and moved, it is the work--the teaching and learning--that occurred in the production of this show that is worthy of an additional curtain call.
Joan Jubett establishes the theater as a classroom, decentering her role and in turn centering student work, student voice, and student learning. Below is an excerpt from Joan regarding how she views the process of producing a play at LREI:

“We’ve talked much about how working towards a performance is an experiential learning process. As a teacher/director, I have much to learn about how to refine these experiences for students though I do know there is so much in the doing alone. 
What I’ve definitely learned this year is that patience with the self and with others is key. I’m still working on that. I’m worried less about being a perfectionist too. One example: When I hear a student say “sorry” for something they do not need to apologize for, I really try to highlight that the rehearsal process is where we are striving for understanding, clarity, intention, empathy. 
“Sorry” really doesn’t have a place in the rehearsal process, except maybe to learn that it is an outdated mode of expression for a “mistake” which actually is a key to greater understanding and clarity. And learning.”
In addition to the work that unfolded inside the theater, a senior and an alum produce a written piece, analyzing this play across time and political dimension, further extending and deepening the learning. We share this written piece with you here: A Note from our Dramaturgs
We as a community are so proud of this production, and of the learning and growing that happens in our performing arts program. We look forward to many more opportunities to see the work of our students and faculty this year!

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