Middle School News Detail

Welcome Margaret

Dear Families,
I’m thrilled to be able to announce that Margaret Andrews will begin a new role next year as the middle school assistant principal. This is great news for our division, as it will only increase our ability to attend carefully to your children and their experience, to create and iterate on the curriculum and our teaching practices, and to partner with you. 
Margaret will continue to do much of what she has done in her role as middle school dean, such as planning assemblies and dances, supporting clubs and student reps, guiding and meeting with individual students and families. She’ll take on additional administrative responsibilities that will allow me to spend more time working directly with students and teachers on big picture divisional initiatives. 
I’m excited to continue to have Margaret as a partner in leadership; we make a good team. I have relied and will continue to rely on her perspective, insight and good humor. The middle school faculty heard the news earlier this week. Since then, many teachers have remarked on what a terrific opportunity this is, and how it will - in so many concrete ways - allow us to continue to grow and fulfill LREI's progressive mission.
Margaret will continue to serve as a sixth grade advisor but not a math teacher, which means we have begun a search for a new sixth and eighth grade math teacher. I will keep you informed as we move through that process.

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