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A Reflection from our Director:
The following is an excerpt from Director Phil Kassen's latest blog entry, "Acitivism and Citizenship." (2/21/18).

To view the blog home page: "Get Your Phil" please visit

As Director of LREI:
Since its founding, the school has worn its values and beliefs on its institutional sleeve.  We have also tried – and even succeeded at times – in being a place where our definition of a diverse community includes diversity of thought and political belief.  This said, while I imagine that even at LREI we have a mix of beliefs on gun control and gun ownership, we can all agree that schools should be safe places and if gun violence is causing this not to be so, then we have to do something about it other than to arm more people.  In addition to being shot in schools, if our children can’t travel to school for fear of being injured, or worse, this, too, must change. Same for not being able to be on a playground, run an errand, and on and on.  

To that end:
  • I will look for ways to have conversations with students, and others, and to provide opportunities for students and adults to come together to discuss citizen involvement and solutions.
  • I am hopeful, and confident, that our students will join the growing student movement, and pledge the institution’s support of their efforts.
  • There are a number of marches, protests, and walk-outs being planned.  I will work with the staff, students, and the Parents Association to clarify our participation and will be in touch with you accordingly.
I have my doubts that even if I follow through and stick with each item above that anything will be accomplished. But I have to do what I can.  If each of us, acting individually and in concert, gives voice to our beliefs maybe progress will be made; slowly but surely, change will come. As a dedicated plodder, all I can do is hope and plan and work and repeat.
Hoping for peace,

Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

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  • Since 1921