News Detail

Only a few weeks left

Margaret Paul
Dear Families,
It seems impossible, but it is true–we only have 2 weeks until the end of the first trimester! Following on the heels of family conferences before the break last week, we are sending a few notes on how to support your student through the rest of the trimester, as well as prepare for Trimester 2.

  1. Many of you spoke in conferences about setting up 1 on 1 meetings with teachers. We know that some students resist this, but we know that this is the best way for students to work through any academic challenges they are experiencing. Please encourage your students to get these meetings set, and reach out to your student’s advisor if you need support.
  2. Doing hard things is . . . hard! Typically, students have projects, papers, and tests at the end of the trimester which can feel overwhelming. It can be helpful for students to have support in strategizing and planning how to tackle multiple projects at once. If they are resistant to help at home, encourage them to talk to their advisors who can connect them to the Learning Center team.
  3. There were also conversations during conferences about challenges in particular classes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your student’s teacher with questions, to your grade-level dean, or to Allison and Margaret. We are all here to help your student navigate these relationships.
  4. REST. We are noticing that kids are arriving a bit later, and looking a bit more tired. We know that it is really hard to get teenagers to go to bed at a decent time, but you can tell them that we wrote to you–blame your nudging them to bed on us!
  5. Plan. Many families discussed trying to help their students get more engaged in trimester 2–here are some notes as you continue these conversations. We will be posting the trimester 2 X-Block schedule in the coming weeks. Students are allowed to change and add X-Blocks at the beginning of each trimester, so students should take a look at the options and make sure they sign up on time (a sign-up form will be sent soon). In addition, students can join the High School musical, which debuts in February (auditions will be announced soon), and they can continue to offer and/or join the student-led Y-Block programming after school.
  6. Service. And finally, please speak to your student about community service. We ask that students complete 6 community service events across the school year, and we prefer that they complete 2 in Trimester 1. Our Engage for Change community service team sends weekly email with volunteer options, and students should continue to volunteer at community organizations they are already connected to.
As always, be in touch with your advisor, grade-level deans, or Allison and Margaret with your questions and needs as you support your high school student toward success.

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