To be Mission Driven

At LREI we talk a lot about mission - about those core values that are present in all that we try to do. We met as a full faculty this week to talk about the mission of the school in general and our mission statement in particular. What was exciting about the discussion was the profound consensus across all three divisions about what these core values are. This consensus translates to an educational experience for students four to eighteen years old that builds on these shared values in developmentally appropriate ways.

In Middle School meeting this week, I shared the following excerpt of the mission statement with students: "The progressive ideals that in 1921 gave life and inspiration to the school — academic excellence and creativity, active learning and innovative teaching, respect for the individual and responsibility to the community-continue to guide the school today." We then spent some time thinking together about how they would define those progressive ideals. Here is a selection of some of their ideas about the driving forces behind the LREI experience:
  • It's a place where learning is fun.
  • It's a good place to make and have friends.
  • The teachers are really cool.
  • It's about forming a community.
  • It's a place where you can have an opinion.
  • It's a place where you help other people
  • It's a good place just to be yourself
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Recent Lower School News

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Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

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  • Since 1921