Middle School News Detail

Teachers as Learners

Margaret Paul
Dear Families,
For 100 years, LREI has been a place where the sounds and sights of children learning brings the buildings to life everyday. We often share stories and photos of our students deeply engaged in work: collaborating on problems, discussing complex questions, engaging in meaningful experiences.

Today, we want to share about learning from another perspective, but one that has also animated the school for 100 years--this is the daily work of teacher learning. Since inception, LREI has been a place where teachers work as researchers in their own classrooms--making observations of students that dynamically inform their practice. Student learning begets teacher learning in the construction of knowledge and skills.
So today, we are sharing a glimpse into the teacher learning over the past few weeks:

In the high school, teachers collaborate together in weekly meetings about practice--bringing questions, sharing challenges, and brainstorming ideas. 

Our newest high school teachers are currently engaging in a course, led by Allison, that interrogates the roots of education in the U.S., provides the theories underlying progressive pedagogy, and wrestles with the challenges that schools and teachers face today.

And yesterday, our math faculty spent the day envisioning the future of math learning in high school. We used an inquiry design approach to critically examine and challenge the existing U.S. high school math sequence, and then we considered research coming from higher education, as we began to imagine revisions to our program. Our aim is to design math courses that integrate with courses across our program (more to come on this exciting work). 

These examples represent the heart of progressive pedagogy--we continually strive to bring our students as close to the world as possible, engaging them in meaningful work that prepares them for life beyond LREI, and our own inquiry and constant learning as teachers is what guides these efforts.

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