Announcement Detail

2022 Preseason information

**Note: this information was sent out as an email to all players and families currently signed up for the team. If you did not receive this email, and you believe that was an error, please reach out to Jeremiah!**

Players and families,
The sun has been warm (maybe a little excessively so at times) and the summer has gone quick. There are just a few precious days left until we all gather. This time next Monday we'll be walking off the field together for the first time, and the 2022 varsity soccer season will be underway. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to get started.

With that in mind it is finally time for the “Things you’ll need for preseason” letter that contains all the details you’ll need to know. There’s a lot of information in this email, so please read down through carefully. As always don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more specific questions or concerns. No matter what PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL WITH YOUR PLANS FOR PRESEASON ATTENDANCE.

We're almost there...see you soon!



   1. Remind
   2. Preseason Schedule
   3. Preseason Scrimmage
   4. Practice Gear
   5. Paperwork

1. Remind

During the season the vast majority of our daily team communication comes via an app called Remind. This is a service that allows us to text with one another and the entire team without having to trade phone numbers. There are several ways to be a part of the service. You can either download the app and sign up through there, or you can receive the messages in your standard messaging app. If you are downloading the app, you should look for the group "lrei vs '22." Otherwise just send a text with "@lreivs" to the number 81010. From Monday on the players will need to be a part of this group in case there are training adjustments of time or field location, weather issues, or other reminders during preseason. It is not recommended that families sign up for the Remind group, and there will be weekly emails going out with all relevant communication for you.
EVERY player will need to do this, even if you were a part of last season's group.

2. Preseason Schedule

Training for preseason will be every morning* starting August 22nd from 7:30-10:15 am at Pier 40. This will last for two weeks, and then the schedule will change as we get to the first week of school. Please arrive by 7:15 so we can get on the field together at 7:30. These sessions will be on the downstairs fields, northeast corner. When you walk into the pier and go through the metal fence it is the first field, the end to your right. If you need to get a hold of me about attendance issues you can use the Remind app or my email. Please use Remind if you are running late to a session in the morning. If you are going to miss a training for any reason you MUST notify me beforehand so I can plan for the day. This is a general team rule, but for preseason training it should be as soon as you know, and preferably no later than the day before the missed session. This also applies to players who will miss due to some family travel.  

You should respond to this email with your attendance plans, especially whether you intend on being there for the first day. Even if you’re not going to make the first day you should email me what day specifically you expect to join the team.

*There will be no training session the morning of Thursday, September 1st due to a scrimmage scheduled that day. See below for more.

3. Preseason Scrimmage

On THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST we will be participating in a scrimmage session against Nightingale. This will be an opportunity for us to get some real competitive reps during our preseason. We've done these kinds of scrimmages before and they are always incredibly invaluable.

Logistically, we’ll probably be traveling to Randall’s Island, and it’s set for 10 o’clock. We’ll travel together, and there will be departure information and expected return time for you as soon as I know it. We will not have a training session that morning beforehand.

It’s incredibly important that we have as much of our team as possible that day, so please make plans to be there.

4. Training Gear

For each and every session you should bring the following items with you:

     A. A full water bottle big enough to get you through a multi-hour workout. This is not optional, and players should not expect to run to a fountain or vending machine during training.

     B. Sunscreen: We often practice where there is no shade, and summer sun is unforgiving.

     C. Athletically appropriate clothes: You need to be able to move, and jump, and run, and stretch, and sweat and cool down in the clothes you choose to wear.  While t-shirts and athletic shorts are fine if you don't have soccer specific training gear, street clothing or cut off jeans or anything that restricts your movement or ability to cool down while playing will not be acceptable.  You will be asked to sit out of the training session.

     D. Soccer CLEATS: While the fields at Pier 40 are turf and you are able to safely wear soccer flats or turf shoes there, we regularly play on grass.  I prefer you get used to playing in your spikes, but even if you have both spikes and flats, and prefer the flats on the turf, you absolutely must have soccer specific shoes.  I will ask you to leave or sit out practice, or possibly just do a running workout, if you come in running shoes or street shoes as these can be bad for your ability to play in the best case scenario and unsafe or harmful to you in the worst.  If you have any questions about the kinds of shoes that would be appropriate for you to wear at practices or for games please ask.  NO CONVERSE

     E. Soccer socks and shin guards: Soccer is a contact sport.  You need to be prepared with the proper protection to make sure you can stay safe while we prepare.  You'll have to wear them in the game, so practice with them on.  League requirements are that shinguards cover from just above the ankles to just below the knees.  There are many types and sizes, and I'm happy to help you figure out what's best for you.

   **F. Running shoes: While we may not need them every practice you should always have them in case we change plans or in case the workout calls for running outside the Pier that day. (Timed mile is Tuesday the 23rd!) Always have a pair of running shoes separate from your daily wear shoes please. Just keep a pair in your soccer bag. Either way you should have some pair of flat athletic shoes you can either run in or play indoor soccer in JUST IN CASE**

     G. Did I mention sunscreen and a full water bottle yet?

If you have any questions or issues at all with any of the gear listed here please feel free to reach out to me. I'm happy and eager to help make sure you're ready to go!

5. Paperwork

The paperwork required to participate is almost entirely in the Magnus health app that the school uses. There are several forms to consider:
  • Parent permission form (it will be good for all sports the entire year)
  • Travel Consent form (it will be good for all sports the entire year)
  • Physical form (They expire 1 year from last physical, so anyone who's last physical was before Nov. 1 2021, should schedule it asap)
Do not neglect your school health forms. The school physical paperwork must be turned in for a student to participate.

There is one final form attached to this email*, and it is specifically for the team. It is the Attendance and Conduct Agreement, and it represents a team contract. The form outlines the responsibilities and agreements that a player and their families are committing to when a student chooses to join the team. Please read it together carefully, initialing as you go, and sign. It covers everything from training attendance and conflicts, to issues of game etiquette. I would like to have these the first day, or as soon as possible. You can print it off, or fill it out digitally and send it back. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

*This document can be downloaded at the side or requested from Jeremiah if you need it. -J
Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

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